
The turmoil that doesn’t seem to end

Yeabkal Abeje
2 min readJun 10, 2022
Person with a blurred face in a garage, the entire picture is saturated with emerald green
Photo by Matt Flores on Unsplash


I hate envy.

The sense of passion, futility, giving in to the feeling of not being good enough.

Slow steps. Deep steps. Traveling in a snowstorm.

Green colored glasses that pose as positivity and compliments and laughter — A calm facade….

When really, they are pigmented with radium

Vapor seeping into the wearer’s eyes as they go numb and foul.

The tension of the troubles from balancing on a tightrope

Slip up as you forget you are not Charles Blondin

Which emboldens the cravings

The fear eating you up as your soul gets sold

You are frozen.

You’ve lost your way because you were focusing on the haves of others as your haves get halved.


By trying to hide the decay that has now moved from your eyes to your mouth, you have stayed silent

Too silent.

Letting the heat of your breath simmer into your teeth and fuel it

Letting the radium permeate into the gums

Letting your family and friends be cut by the silence.

It was never enough.


Now this caution has morphed without an identity

Surrounded your entity

Confined to the ideals of others while yours stays underdeveloped and unalive

To get out, the glasses have to come off

What you carried with a belief has to come off

Then as the paradigm shifts and you move from the fuselage to the cock pilot of your own plane

Maybe then may the green radium drip away

Melt as you go closer to the sun and land in the eye of the storm

Melt as you feel inspired rather than envy

Melt as you breathe in and out your validity

Melt for as your being has become yours

Envy is a crude calamity

Preying on your innocent emotions

Tearing out the flesh of your passion

It can seem devastating to even have confidence, but by taking active steps and recognizing when it is happening it is possible to combat it.


  • Radium: a chemical that made a gorgeous green hue but was toxic; used in the late 1800s and early 1900s in beauty products, wallpapers, and more
  • Charles Blondin: a French tightrope walker and daredevil
  • Fuselage: the passenger area of a plane



Yeabkal Abeje

A teen documenting the things she learns to hopefully give others some insight.